Answer These Personality Questions And We’ll Tell You Which Pokémon Character You Are

pokemon personality quiz, pokemon personality trivia

About This Quiz

For over 26 years, Pokémon has been one of the most popular franchises in the world. Enjoyed by kids and adults alike, Pokémon has gone on to sell millions of cards, video games, toys and other merchandise. There have been an array of cartoons and movies about cute little animals and their friends. During their time, some Pokémon have become more popular than others, but with close to 900 of them, it’s ok not to love them all. But if you are a true Pokémon fan, answer these personality questions to find out what Pokémon character you most resemble. So, grab your poke’ balls find out what Pokémon character you are with this fun personality quiz!

Calculating Your Results!

Matt Howell

Matt Howell

Matt is a print and broadcast-journalism graduate and natural storyteller with over nine years of writing experience. Matt is a writer for Creative Campbellville and his work has been featured in various magazines, newspapers and online communications across North America.

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